Climbing shoes and outdoor footwear for adventure seekers.
Check out our range of climbing and outdoor footwear. We have more climbing shoes than you can point a clip-stick at; including shoes from the world's most prestigious climbing shoe companies such as Scarpa, La Sportiva, Evolv, Tenaya and Five Ten, and many more. We also have a wide range of approach shoes, trail running shoes, mountaineering boots, slippers, and flip flops. So whether you are summiting, scuttling between boulders, or lounging around the Gîte, we've got your feet covered.
Since Black Diamond's inception, it has grown into a market leader in the worldwide climbing industry. Black Diamond equipment, embodying the spirit of its users, has been featured in some of the world's most frontier-pushing ascents and discoveries. With unwavering values past, present, and future, Black Diamond aims to provide the highest quality gear while creating a promising future for hikers, skiers, and climbers. Since 1957, Black Diamond's innovative and trend-setting designs have set the standard in the industry, driven by dedication and a desire to advance outdoor equipment year after year. For a reliable and stylish brand recognized globally, Black Diamond is a sure bet. Shop their selection here including boulder pads, cams, camping equipment, carabiners, chalk, men's and women's clothing, harnesses, and many more.